Nigeria – Plastic Rigid Material Granulation Line

At the beginning of 2023, a factory owner from Nigeria contacted us regarding the equipment needs for a plastic rigid material granulation line. His factory, located in Lagos, was facing an increasing problem with plastic waste, urgently requiring a solution to handle the daily accumulation of rigid plastics. After detailed discussions, we recommended a plastic rigid material granulation line with a capacity of 200 kg/h, which met his needs and effectively addressed the local waste processing pressure.

Our team quickly provided the client with a detailed equipment proposal, including production line layout, operation training, and post-maintenance support. Upon confirming the proposal, the client was very satisfied and promptly signed the contract. We completed the manufacturing and commissioning of the equipment within the next two months. To ensure the smooth operation of the equipment, we dispatched technicians to Lagos to assist the client with the installation and trial run of the production line.

After the installation was completed, the client was very pleased with the efficiency and quality of the production line. The daily processing capacity of 200 kg significantly reduced the factory’s waste accumulation, and the granules produced were stable in quality and could be directly used for manufacturing new products. This not only improved the factory’s production efficiency but also contributed to local environmental protection.

This cooperation established a solid trust relationship with the Nigerian client. He highly praised our service and equipment quality and expressed interest in future collaborations.

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